Wartune League Insignia

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Wartune league insignia patch
You are here: >Home > > > [new]Multiplayer Arena: 4 vs. 4
Multiplayer Arena: 4 vs. 4
[2014-08-06] | | view(0)
The Multiplayer Arena has been changed from 3v3 to 4v4; however, time, attempts, Insignia and Cross-server points will remain the same as before.

Wartune League Insignia


31 OCT 2019 end of month spend League Insignia reminder # Wartune. October 29, 2019 Really grateful for the 2 hours Spirit Covenants, really helps handle things in # Wartune especially if busy with RL issues. October 16, 2019 Reference for Daily PRIORITIES for Busy # Wartune. Wartune Tips To Get Ahead Guide by talonsnow. Hello, my in-game name is Witch, and mostly known on server 4 as one of the top players there before I left a few days ago for one of the new servers to try out a test build I wanted to check out. After 3.1 patch, a new PvP replaced 3v3. In this system, parties are composed by 4 players, instead of 3. In addition to Insignias and Cross-Server PvP Points, players now receive League Insignias (used in League Shop) and League Points. After each battle, all 4 players receive a different amount of these items according to their ranking.


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Wartune League Insignia Classic

Ø Players can enter groups based on the number of points they received the previous week. Groups include: Iron, Silver, Gold and Diamond.
Ø All players will start out in the Iron Group with 0 League Points. League Point reset at 5:00 every day when rankings refresh.
Ø Players can view rankings in the Arena Room list.
Ø Each player’s League points are personal and have nothing to do with the team; League points are calculated based on the greatest point of both the team and player’s own points.

Wartune League Insignia Ranks

Ø League Point rewards will be sent every Saturday, and will include Insignia, Honor and League Insignia.
Ø League Insignia can be used to buy rare items in the League Arena Shop;League Insignia will be reset at 00:00 monthly.

Wartune League Insignia Patch

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