Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots

  1. Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Fortnite
  2. Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Hack
  3. Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Discord
  4. Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Mod

Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 39

_freeman_ · 14-Авг-09 15:46(11 лет 3 месяца назад, ред. 10-Сен-12 23:20)

Название игры: Half-Life 2 DeathMatch
Год выпуска: 2011
Автор/Разработчик: Hurricane
Тип раздачи: мод (server-side bots)
Версия программы: 1.3.2
Требуемая версия игры: n/a
Язык интерфейса: n/a
Требуемый язык игры: n/a
Описание: It is not exactly like the old 1.3 (Keep your old hrcbot files just in case) but it seems to work.
This version has been compiled using the SDK2009 from the AlliedModders.
Способ установки: скопировать содержимое раздачи в папку .../hl2mp
Changes since 1.3.0
Removed debug log lines
Disabled irrelevant cvars
Build is done using AlliedModders's SDK.
Hurricane Bot version 1.3.1

Changes since 1.3.0
Removed debug log lines
Disabled irrelevant cvars
Build is done using AlliedModders's SDK.

Please don't ask me questions about something already in this file, like the usual : 'how do I change their strenght, number, ...'.
Please don't ask me how to install the bot. I don't know more that what I wrote here. I delete any mail with this question.
Readme / Issues

This version has been built with AlliedModders's 2009SDK.
I don't know exactly why the linux binary is much bigger than the win32 one. I guess using whole-program-optimization would squeeze if only because
of all the useless symbols. It does not really matters.
If I were you I'd keep the old .hrcbot map files because they are still valid. (If it works : don't fix it)
If the server crashes, please ensure first that it's because of the bot : disable all other modules and see it crash again.
If you can reproduce the error that way, the map and the server configuration (without your passwords please) can help. (I only have the original maps)
If you are IT : a stacktrace, whatever. Well, you know what can help.
Manual Installation

Just copy the content of this folder in your 'half-life 2 deathmatch' directory.
ie: /home/steam/orangebox/hl2mp/addons
More than that, I can't really help you : I don't play and the only server I have is to test the binary is running.
There are many guys out there who can tell you how to perfectly tune your servers. I'm just not one of them.
And just because it does not seems clear enough : do not ask to install the bot. I delete any mail with this question.

hrcbot_enabled N
If set to 0, the bots will cease all activity and the map will not be analysed at load time.
If you re-enable the bot in a level with an unanalysed map, you will have to change the level again to get it analyzed.
This feature has been suggested in order to disable to bot for badly-handled maps.
ie: hrcbot_enabled 1
hrcbot_minplayers N
Fills the server with bots in order to have a minimum of N acvite players
Since version 1.0.57 the bots will never fill up the last available slot (so a new player can always connect)
This will also fixe cases where hrcbot_minplayers is bigger than the maximum number of players allowed on the server/map.
ie: hrcbot_minplayers 4
hrcbot_maxplayers N
If there are at least N players (human and bot both) in game, then no more bot will be added.
The bots will also be balanced down to match this N value.
ie: hrcbot_maxplayers 16
hrcbot_preferredcount N
If this value is set to an integer value bigger than 0, the plugin will try to have this number of bots playing, as long as
the minplayers and maxplayers conditions are verified.
ie: hrcbot_preferredcount 4
hrcbot_forceteam N
Force the bot into a preset team.
In HL2DM N can be:
-1 = balanced teams (default)
2 = combine
3 = rebels
Do not use
0 = automatic
1 = spectator
ie: hrcbot_forceteam -1
hrcbot_autobalancebots N
Set this to 0 to disable usage of hrcbot_minplayers, hrcbot_maxplayers, hrcbot_preferredcount and hrcbot_forceteam.
hrcbot_add will only work if N is set to 0
ie: hrcbot_autobalancebots 1
hrcbot_add T
This command can only work if hrcbot_autobalancebots is set to 0
Without parameter, the command adds a bot.
With a parameter, adds a bot to the team T
In HL2DM T can be:
2 = combine
3 = rebels
Do not use
0 = automatic
1 = spectator
ie: hrcbot_add
ie: hrcbot_add 2
hrcbot_kick T
This command can only work if hrcbot_autobalancebots is set to 0
Without parameter, the command removes a bot.
With a parameter, removes a bot from the team T
In HL2DM T can be:
2 = combine
3 = rebels
Do not use
0 = automatic
1 = spectator
ie: hrcbot_kick
ie: hrcbot_kick 2
hrcbot_waitforplayers 0
The bots will only be added after the first player connects.
hrcbot_freezeifnoplayers 0
When the last human player leaves the game, the bots are disabled. They are enabled again when a player connects.
ie: hrcbot_freezeifnoplayers 1
hrcbot_player_spawnweapon NAME
Sets the default spawn weapon of the bot.
Supported values are : smg1 pistol 357 crossbow shotgun ar2 rpg
Avoid the 357 if you want to have fun
ie: hrcbot_player_spawnweapon smg1
hrcbot_handicap N
The bot strenght (aim accuracy) can now be reduced with this.
At 0, you will just have your luck to survive and your eyes to cry. (Bots will have NO handicap)
With higher values (10 or more), even your little sister (the one in the cradle) will be able to fight them.
Values equal or above 0 only.
ie: hrcbot_handicap 5
hrcbot_mute N
Silent the bot by setting this parameter to 1. Let him speak by setting it to 0
ie: hrcbot_mute 1
hrcbot_motd N
Set this to 0 to disable the 'advertising' of the bot.
ex: hrcbot_motd 0
hrcbot_dialogmsg N
Set this to 0 in order to disable the displaying of the version of the bot on each client.
ex: hrcbot_dialogmsg 1
hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime N
When a player spawn, the bot will leave him alone for until this time has elapsed (1/60 seconds units)
ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime 120
This will protect the spawned player (from the bots) for about 2 seconds
hrcbot_spawnprotectionseconds N
When a player spawn, the bot will leave him alone for until this time has elapsed (Units are seconds)
This is not a 'var' but a 'function'. It changes the value of hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime
ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectionseconds 30
Will be equivalent to
hrcbot_spawnprotectiontime 1800
And will protect a spawned player (from the bots) for about 30 seconds.
hrcbot_clan NAME
Each new bot get NAME prefixed to its name.
ie: hrcbot_clan [HRC]
hrcbot_namesfile NAME
NAME is a text file with a bot name on each line.
The file is parsed until the first empty line is found.
The default location of the file is 'hl2mp/addons/hrcbot_server_plugin/hrcbot_names.txt'.
Look into the file to understand the format.
ie: hrcbot_namesfile 'hl2mp/addons/hrcbot_server_plugin/hrcbot_names.txt'
hrcbot_crowbarmaniacs N
Enabling this will give a crowbar to the bot. And a bot loves a crowbar more than a Doom Space Marine loves a BFG-9000
ie: hrcbot_crowbarmaniacs 1
hrcbot_autoweaponswitch N
Setting this to 0 will prevent the bots from changing weapons when they get a new one.
ie: hrcbot_autoweaponswitch 0
hrcbot_spawnprotectedhealth N
New versions of 'Spawn & Chat Protection' will allow the bot to know when a player is protected. (http://www.esteticas.se/catman.php)
Meanwhile, the bot will assume that anyone having at least N health is protected.
ie: hrcbot_spawnprotectedhealth 500
hrcbot_playermodel T
All the bots will use the specified model T. Use '*' for the default random choice.
HL2DM default models are:
ie: hrcbot_playermodel *
ie: hrcbot_playermodel models/Humans/Group03/male_09.mdl
hrcbot_do 'bot name' command
This command used to be only available for debugging.
The bot will execute the command as himself. '' are mandatory for composed names.'
Please note that this command has to be used with care as some parameters (status change) can break the bot.
ie: hrcbot_do '[HRC]Zeus' say Hello
ie: hrcbot_do '[HRC]Zeus' joinclass 1
ie (could be dangerous because the bot is not supposed to switch team): hrcbot_do '[HRC]Zeus' jointeam 3
Special Commands

hrcbot_notifycriticals 1
The plugin will log critical sections of the code into the hrcbot_log.txt file.
The critical sections are the parts helping me to solve an issue I'm working on.
Set this to 0 if you are not working with me to solve an issue on your server.
This command will dump relevant status of the plugin into the console and into the hrcbot_log.txt file.
Resize your console, lines are pretty wide.
Team Deathmatch

In order to set the game in team deathmatch mode, set mp_teamplay to 1

Have fun,
Please send feed back to: hurricane.bot@gmail.com
It is not exactly like the old 1.3 (Keep your old hrcbot files just in case) but it seems to work.
This version has been compiled using the SDK2009 from the AlliedModders.
  • 3.4 MB
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Стаж: 11 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 10

alpodrez · 30-Дек-09 23:02(спустя 4 месяца 16 дней)

спасибо, проверю. Впринципе вещь полезная, только если нет отключат, конечн, но все-равно спасибо


Стаж: 12 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 53

Dmitriy846 · 19-Окт-11 12:05(спустя 1 год 9 месяцев)

Почему-то на последней Steam версии HL2DM, не работает. Просто пишет что нет такой команды hrcbot_add.
Я установил бесплатную версию HL2DM для владельцев ATI видеокарт.

Lonely One

Стаж: 11 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 3364

Lonely One · 10-Сен-12 17:40(спустя 10 месяцев)

Причина перезалива? Обновление версии? Указывайте в первопосте об изменениях.
Раздача обновлена, поэтому нужно оформить согласно обновлённым правилам.

О раздачах в архивах
Размер мал. Распакуйте и перезалейте торрент.
Оформите по шаблону:
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Год выпуска:
Тип раздачи:
Версия программы:
Требуемая версия игры:
Язык интерфейса:
Требуемый язык игры:
Способ установки:
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Дмитрий Ололоев

Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 4

Дмитрий Ололоев · 17-Сен-12 20:23(спустя 7 дней)

чё делать если версия игры не совподает с версией сервера


Стаж: 8 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 5

marvel-767 · 26-Дек-12 13:35(спустя 3 месяца 8 дней)


Стаж: 9 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 210

Lordegraf · 10-Мар-13 12:45(спустя 2 месяца 14 дней, ред. 10-Мар-13 12:45)

а на Half-Life 2 DeathMatch v. 1.2 работает?!
hrcbot_minplayers n
hrcbot_maxplayers n
hrcbot_autobalancebots 1/2


Стаж: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

diman170498 · 12-Янв-14 20:22(спустя 10 месяцев)

Ринат Чат

Стаж: 6 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 1

Ринат Чат · 04-Ноя-14 09:01(спустя 9 месяцев)

62507952теперь халфа не запускается
а ты удали этот херов аддон!


Стаж: 9 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 3

tobi9 · 15-Авг-15 13:45(спустя 9 месяцев)


Стаж: 10 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

Stiv19 · 05-Янв-18 00:49(спустя 2 года 4 месяца, ред. 05-Янв-18 00:49)

Привет, ребятки.
Пиратская Халфа перестала запускаться после установки ботов.
Главная»Игры»Прочее для Windows-игр»Неофициальные модификации, плагины, дополнения

These are maps and gameplay available for the popular computer game Counter-Strike.

Csdeathmatchsource by Ultimate Flamigo flamigo@in.gr 'Installation' C: Program Files Valve Steam SteamApps youraccountname counter-strike source cstrike maps 'Comment' An awesome remake of the classic csdeathmatch in the middle of the ocean Unbelievable view If you like fy and aim maps you will love it 'Features' Hostage rescue map 52 spawns 26 for each team. These are maps and gameplay available for the popular computer game Counter-Strike. 1 Standard map types 1.1 Hostage Rescue 1.2 Bomb Defuse 1.3 Assassination 1.4 Escape 2 Custom map types 3 Official map list Currently, there are three official types of maps distributed with Counter-Strike: Hostage Rescue (cs) maps are the original map-type, based on a hostage rescue situation. How to add bots (computer player) in counter strike 1.3? Please answer please.tnx?

17Buddies's website offers at this time 106 264 total uniques and verified maps including 57 471 HL1 maps, 45 506 HL2 maps and 3 287 CS:GO maps, representing 366,37 GB disk space. There were today 106 maps downloads (612 yesterday) representing 447,23 MB transfered (2,38 GB yesterday).

  • 1Standard map types

Standard map types[edit | edit source]

Currently, there are three official types of maps distributed with Counter-Strike:

Hostage Rescue[edit | edit source]

Hostage Rescue (cs_) maps are the original map-type, based on a hostage rescue situation. Four or more computer-controlled hostages are strategically located at or nearby the Terrorist spawn. The Counter-Terrorists must lead them from their location to a rescue zone, typically located around the Counter-Terrorists' spawn. If the Counter-Terrorists rescue all of the hostages within the time-limit, they win the round. If a player on either team kills a hostage, accidentally or intentionally, they lose money and may also be kicked off the server (depending on the server's configuration). Killing the entire enemy team also ends the round, but results in less money gained for the next round. In older version of Counter-Srike, Terrorists could also 'use' the hostages, and led them to an other location. That was pretty funny, since you can take cs_militia hostages to the toilets :). Also, in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, hostages could eventually attempt escape if the terrorists did not continuously point their weapons at them. They would also tip off a Counter-Terrorist if there was a Terrorist nearby.

cs_office - 1.6 versus Source

The most popular hostage maps are:,xl,sal;c,sal;c

  • cs_assault
  • cs_compound (Counter-Strike: Source only)
  • cs_havana
  • cs_italy
  • cs_militia
  • cs_office
  • cs_siege (1.6 Only)
  • cs_747 (1.6 Only)
  • cs_backalley (1.6 Only)
  • cs_estate (1.6 Only)

Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Fortnite

Bomb Defuse[edit | edit source]

Bomb defuse (de_) maps are the most common map type, based on a bomb-planting/defusing scenario. One of the terrorists starts out with a C4 explosive that can only be planted at bomb sites; usually there are two bomb sites on the map, defined by A and B, one of which is sometimes near the counter-terrorist spawn. If the terrorist carrying the bomb is killed, his team members will have to locate it using their radar and can pick it up like a dropped weapon.

Once the bomb has been planted, the counter-terrorists must locate and defuse it in 45 seconds (this is a variable; it can be changed; commonly also set to 35 seconds depending on the server admin(s)) before it explodes. On bomb defuse maps, counter-terrorists can buy a special defuse kit that decreases the time needed to defuse a bomb by 5 seconds. Killing the enemy team ends the round if the bomb has not been planted; if the bomb has been planted, the terrorists will win if they kill the counter-terrorists, but the counter-terrorists must defuse the bomb even if they kill the terrorists. Previously, the round could end with the bomb planted but not yet exploded, resulting in a victory for the counter-terrorists. However, the round timer now becomes void when the bomb is planted, meaning the bomb can be planted even with 1 second left in the round and the round will continue until the bomb is defused, it explodes, or the counter-terrorist team is eliminated.Bomb defuse maps are by far the most commonly seen maps in tournament play.

de_dust2 - CS 1.6

The most popular bomb defuse maps are:

  • de_dust2
  • de_inferno
  • de_aztec
  • de_dust
  • de_airstrip
  • de_nuke
  • de_port (Counter-Strike: Source only)
  • de_piranesi
  • de_prodigy
  • de_cbble
  • de_train
  • de_tides (Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero only)
  • de_vegas (1.6 Only)
  • de_vertigo (1.6 and Counter-Strike: Source)

Defusal maps are usually the only types of maps used in competitive Counter-Strike

CPL uses their own version of competitive maps along with the main 5.These maps are said to be more balanced than the default maps because they were made with competitive play in mind

Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots
  • de_cpl_mill
  • de_cpl_fire
  • de_cpl_strike
  • de_cpl_overrun (not yet used in CAL or CPL)

Assassination[edit | edit source]

Assassination (as_) maps are based on an assassination scenario. A member of the Counter-Terrorist team spawns as the VIP. While this player is unable to buy weapons or equipment in the entirety of the map, they are given a fully-loaded USP pistol, and an additional 100 armour points (totaling 200). The VIP must survive the journey from a spawn-point to a rescue point (typically a helicopter or APC).

  • The Counter-Terrorists win if and when the VIP makes it to the rescue point, or all the Terrorists are killed (while the VIP is still alive).
  • The Terrorists win if the VIP is ever killed or the time-limit is reached before the VIP has made it to the rescue point.

Assassination maps are far less popular than hostage rescue and bomb defuse maps. Currently, this gametype is not supported in Counter-Strike: Source and 'Counter-Strike: Condition Zero'. However, there is an unofficial modification in development that will allow assassination maps to be played for Counter-Strike: Source.

Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Hack

The only official assassination map is:

  • as_educat

Escape[edit | edit source]

The now defunct escape (es_) map scenario required the terrorist team to reach a map-specific exit point within the round time allowed, while the counter-terrorist team would do their best to stop them. Escape maps usually started the terrorist team without a buy zone, and weapons would have to be either found, or scavenged from the dead bodies of other players. Due to a rather obvious bias towards the counter-terrorist team, escape maps were removed from Counter-Strike in August 2000, in the Beta 7.0 update. However, it is still possible to play escape maps on 1.6 if you download the old ones or make your own new ones.

CS: Source has added escape maps as an extension of zombie mod so that both teams are escaping the map until a timer turns a few members of either team into zombies. Once they knife a human, they become a zombie. There is no distinct prefix for these escape maps.

The most popular escape maps were:

Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Discord

  • es_frantic (added in Beta 6,removed in Beta 7)
  • es_jail (added in Beta 6,removed in Beta 7)
  • es_trinity (added in Beta 6.5,removed in Beta 7) removed

Custom map types[edit | edit source]

In addition to the maps included with Counter-Strike, there are many custom maps available created by map-making programs. Typically, these maps are named using an unofficial scheme, consisting of the prefixes following:

  • ba_ For Jail Maps
  • Jail servers are usually servers that give two teams (Inmates and Prison Guards). If your an inmate then you must follow the guards orders or you get shot. Normally you are asked to carry out tasks and the least scoring/slowest player get shot. Sometimes inmates spawn in cells with guns/secret doors in however use this privilege wisely(You cannot take on the whole other team with just a pistol !). Normally Inmates escape or something happens but there is always a winner !
  • zm_, zh_,ze_ For Zombie Mod-maps.
    • Zombie Mod involves a single 'dead' player only given a knife, and has to successfully kill each player with a knife. While the Zombie respawns, any opponents killed by the Zombie also become Zombie. This concept is similar to the 'Last Man Standing' style of gameplay.
  • cs_ for hostage maps, but because of the unpopularity of those maps cs_ can also mean a map larger than an fy_ map, also with no objectives.
  • gg_ for the GunGame Mod.
    • GunGame involves each player starting at a specific weapon, then stronger (or weaker, depending on server configuration) weapons are procured by killing opponents with their current weapon, thus 'leveling up.' Knifing an opponent will result in stealing one level from the dead enemy.
  • ka_ for Knife Arena
    • Fairly self-explanatory; In Knife Arena, players are only availed of a single knife to use to defeat the opposing teams.
  • fy_, commonly referred to as 'Fun Yard' or 'Fight Yard.'
    • These maps are deathmatch-style levels in the way where players are able to pick up weapons placed on the map. Occasionally, some fy_ maps (such as _pool_day) have bomb zones placed for the Terrorist team.
  • awp_ for AWP Arena maps.
    • Also self-explanatory, the AWP Arena maps only give players the AWP sniper rifle and a knife.
  • surf_ maps.
    • These maps are derived from the modern surfing sport, involving players 'surfing' down 'waves' made in the map. These waves are created through a precise angle of walls which, through the game engine's physics, negate friction. Using the adjustable 'airaccelerate' ability, the difficulty of surfing can be adjusted when creating a surf map. Skilled surfers can make impossible jumps, turns, and maneuvers leaving the unskilled sitting targets.
  • aim_ maps.
    • These maps are most commonly used for teaching and maintaining proficiency in specific weapons. A particular aim_ map will only consist of one or two varieties of weapons, commonly displayed in the map's name; For example, aim_ak_colt is a popular map featuring both the AK-47 and M4 carbine.
  • he_ maps.
    • Named for the initialism of High Explosives, these maps only give players fragmentation grenades and a knife. For example, he_dodgeball2 requires players to pick up grenades from the center of the map.
  • kz_ maps.
    • These maps utilize steps and ledges that a player can jump on in order to reach a higher height. The entire map usually consists of these ledges, testing the player's ability to jump and climb.
  • 'Glass Maps' are less common in CS 1.6 but popular in CS:S. The levels are constructed of solely glass, allowing players to shoot enemies off of their platforms.
    • These maps are named as such because of the use of a large amount of glass paneling in the map, typically the floor. In these maps, you are able to shoot (or use any weapon on) the glass panels on the floor, and make your opponents or yourself fall to the level below, or to the normal ground at the bottom (and usually die from the height), and adds an extra level of challenge from other types of map environments. It is also common for glass_ maps to be incorporated into maps of other variations, such as surf_, he_, and aim_, so that you have a special set of weapons (or whatever else the other type of map incorporated into it has to offer), with the environment being glass floors instead of the standard map usually used with the various types of maps.

Official map list[edit | edit source]

The following are official Counter-Strike maps, from Counter-Strike Beta 1 to current Counter-Strike: Source, past and present. Most of these maps are no longer packaged with the mod, and may not work anymore.

Cs Deathmatch Map 1.3 With Bots Mod

  • cs_assault
  • cs_siege
  • cs_estate
  • cs_militia
  • cs_office
  • cs_backalley
  • cs_compound
  • cs_italy
  • cs_havana
  • cs_747
  • cs_alley1 (removed)
  • cs_docks (removed)
  • cs_arabstreets (removed)
  • cs_thunder (removed)
  • cs_station (removed)
  • cs_iraq (removed)
  • cs_bunker (removed)
  • cs_facility (removed)
  • cs_tire (removed)
  • cs_ship (removed)
  • cs_desert (removed)
  • cs_mansion (removed, however, cs_estate is basically like an updated version of it)
  • cs_zoption (removed)
  • cs_hideout (removed)
  • cs_prison (removed)
  • cs_wpndepot (removed)
  • de_dust
  • de_dust2
  • de_nuke
  • de_aztec
  • de_port
  • de_prodigy
  • de_cbble
  • de_train
  • de_chateau
  • de_vegas
  • de_piranesi
  • de_inferno
  • de_vertigo
  • de_survivor)
  • as_oilrig (not in Source)
  • as_forest (removed)
  • as_highrise (removed)
  • as_tundra (removed)
  • as_riverside (removed)
  • es_jail (removed)
  • es_frantic (removed)
  • es_trinity (removed)
Half-Life: Counter-Strike·Counter-Strike·Counter-Strike: Condition Zero [Deleted Scenes] ·Counter-Strike: Global Offensive·Counter-Strike Neo·Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies·Counter-Strike Online·Counter-Strike: Source
List of Counter-Strike maps
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